Rotary Youth Leadership Awards


R.Y.L.A. is an annual weekend leadership-training event for high school students. It focuses on teamwork, speaking skills, community service, ethical behavior, problem solving, and program planning.

Every year, the Centreville Rotary Club sponsors 5-10 students who participate in groups from across the Rotary District 7630 to find solutions to social and community problems. Working as teams the students develop hypothetical plans for fundraising and work together for a common goal. They compete for best projects, presenting them to the entire group on the last day of the conference. Rotary clubs throughout the district comprised of Delaware and Maryland’s Eastern Shore sponsor students from their local high schools to attend.

The value of this program is evidenced by former RYLA attendees who come back to donate their time and energy as leaders at the conference. RYLA is a tremendous program that gives back to communities. Students have unanimously had positive, amazing experiences making life long friends and learning how to be outstanding leaders.


Club Leaders